Archive | February, 2015

A gift…

16 Feb

I know that God goes before us in all that we do…  but sometimes I forget to slow down and remember that.  When we began the process of trying to bring Elina here to the United States it was initially to be able to help her and this precious unborn baby.  But the longer she is here, I see so many other purposes begin to unfold.

I have talked about sweet Rickson many times before.  Rickson often struggles in day-to-day life.  We have continually fought for him and have sought out the best possible care and help for him to make his life the best it can be.  But even with that, some times are really difficult.  I have always been surrounded by champions who continue to lift us all up as we seek answers for Rickson.

Circumstances these past two weeks have led to unexpected discussions with Elina about Rickson’s past.  These discussions have changed the entire course of Rickson’s therapy and treatment.  These discussions are life changing for Rickson and for all of us who love him!  Rickson is an internationally adopted child.  It is almost unheard of to be able to get not only clues, but facts from his past and his family’s past.  At a time when we didn’t know what else to do, we were given this gift.  As Elina thanks us for “saving” her child, we thank her for “saving” ours.  But the real gift is the reminder of The ONE who saves us all.

Forever grateful,


Waiting for a baby boy…

14 Feb

I haven’t posted in quite some time.  Things are continuing to go well.  We have had some ups and downs but life is good.  Having Elina here has been the best thing imaginable for our family.  We are learning the most valuable information that is helping us with Rickson’s care and Rickson’s future.  I cannot even begin to explain what this means to me.  Her honesty and the history we are learning is priceless.

Alia is beginning to flourish at school.  She has adjusted well to first grade.  The first few weeks were tough and brought with them so much change for her.  But she has adapted, has made some wonderful friends, has ongoing play dates with new and wonderful friends, is learning to read and says she loves school. The thing Alia misses most is the Marshallese way of playing with friends all day every day.  But things have a way of working themselves out and lately she has been staying weekends with her friends from church Caroline and Ashley. This has become an unexpected and unplanned blessing for all of us.

Elina continues to do well with her pregnancy.  She is currently 31 weeks pregnant and ready to have this baby!  When Elina first told us she was pregnant we knew we wanted to help her.  Although she said she wanted us to have this baby from the beginning, it was our wish, our hope, our constant prayer, that she would decide (on her own) that she wanted to keep the baby.  I am so happy to say that just last week Elina told us that she had decided to keep the baby!  It was very important to me that she come to this decision on her own.  I didn’t want her to feel pressure from us that she “had” to keep it.  And I didn’t want her to feel sadness that she had to find a family for the baby. But she has witnessed a different world here in America.  And here in America she is going to be this child’s mother.  No mother should ever have to give up her child because of poverty or circumstance.  It is a heartbreak I could never begin to fully grasp!  It brings me to tears to know that this new life gives her hope and a chance.

Tonight this little baby boy was given a name!  Kai Asher Jinna.  Kai means “sea” in Hawaiian and Asher is the biblical name she wanted to have.  Kai Asher Jinna.  It is just perfect and meant to be.  We cannot wait to welcome baby Kai (or Kai Kai as Alani says) on April 20. I have a feeling little Kai is going to make his appearance much sooner than April 20th, but we will see.

Sorry for the lack of posts lately.  It seems I haven’t had a second to spare with all the joyful chaos in my home.  Much love to all of you.

Love, Laurie

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11

faith, family, and fighting on...

Living life and loving God